Follow Me on Pinterest The Cupcake Files: Chore Chart

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Chore Chart

I'm back!  I was MIA for a while, my life has been pretty hectic but now that things are starting to slow down, I am back and have sooooo much to blog about!  During my hiatus I realized I am in need of some serious organization, I have been creating charts and tons of other organizational documents that I am going to be putting in an organizational binder for my household.  The first chart I want to share with you all, is my 9 year old daughter's chore chart.  I made it in google documents, so you can edit it, color code it, add to it any way you'd like.
Chore Chart <------- Go here for the chore chart

Here is a screen capture of the chart

You will notice beside each chore is a monetary value, each day that she does that specific chore, she earns that dollar amount.  At the end the of the week we add up each check mark's dollar amount and that is the allowance she gets for that week.  She doesn't have to do all of these chores each day, I go through and highlight the ones she MUST complete each day (like picking up her room)...If she chooses to go above and beyond and do extra chores, she is then rewarded for that.                      

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